Saturday, January 2, 2010

Do something for yourself

As a mom sometimes we forget to take time for ourselves.  Sometimes its hard to find things to do for yourself.  Especially with out spending a lot of money.   So I have some ideas to get you started.

First, if you are interested in learning a new craft you might consider taking a class to learn how to begin your new craft.  Even though in this day and age you can learn how to do pretty much anything on line, I think it's good to take a class and have adult interaction.  I have signed up to take a knitting 101 class and I am super excited about it.

Second, if you enjoy reading a good book set aside an hour in the day to curl up in a comfy chair with a cup of coffee and that book you have been meaning to read but never got around to it.  Make your time when your little one lays down for a nap or early in the AM before they wake up.

Third, have a girls day out.  Round up a grandparent or a friend and recruit them to babysit for a few hours.  Go out to lunch or have a cup of coffee with your friends.  Or, just go out and have a day of doing things by yourself.  Go to a local coffee shop and spend time with yourself.

Click the picture below to check out "sarahbeedesigns".  She is teaching the knitting 101 class that I am attending. She might still have a few spots available. She also has a lot of cool stuff for sale so CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!

1 comment:

sbee said...

Thanks so much for the shout out! Thanks also for the reminder to take some time out for ourselves... it's so hard for mommies to do, but in the end I think we can give much more to our families when we are rested and balanced! Great thoughts for the new year!! See you in class!

Mother Nurture

The best store for a mom to shop at! I LOVE IT!!